Destiny 2

I worked as a game designer at High Moon Studios for three years. I shipped Destiny 2 and its first major DLC, Destiny 2: Forsaken.

Mission Design

Took two main campaign missions (Scorned and Nothing Left to Say) from the concept phase all the way through release. Responsibilities included paper design, level blockout, combat encounters, scripting, vignettes, initial dialogue, playtesting, polish, and bug fixing.

Nothing Left to Say: This final campaign mission was also the longest in the game and featured an ally assault on an enemy stronghold, 4 bosses, cross-dimensional warping, and treacherous platforming. (Video courtesy of Harby).

Scorned: I ended up taking over this mission after some high-level campaign shifts. I had to completely rework it with minimal geo changes (since the space was also used for one of the strikes). New encounters, AI companions, and Baron vignettes helped this mission stand out from its companion strike. (Video courtesy of Harby).


Level Design

Designed the Soriks’s Cut public area and Kingship Dock lost sector. Worked alongside fellow designers to implement my initial paper design and coordinated with environment artists to translate the level blockout into final art.

Kingship Dock: This lost sector is one of the most hidden in the game, requiring players to find a gravlift and navigate the treacherous catwalks above Thieves' Landing before they can enter this Scorned stronghold. (Video courtesy of Shawnja).

Soriks's Cut: I created the initial concept and level design for this public area. Though another designer eventually took over when I went to work on missions, many of the core features (e.g., large moving engine, wire forest, underground tunnel system) remained the same. (Video courtesy of 360GameTV).


Combat Design

Created boss encounter and arena layout for adventure Target: The Rifleman.

The Rifleman: I worked extensively with our AI programmers to get this boss functional and fun. I extended the base script functionality to create escalating waves of sniper clones, and I added new features to make the system easier to use. I also designed the arena to support the "sniper battle" fantasy. (Video courtesy of VGS).



Used custom scripting language to create new functionality: clone decoys, flying enemies, dynamic rotating combat spaces, vertical transitions, etc.

